I live in a very rural area and while there are lots of churches around here, there don't seem to be many that are uplifting and have lots of young families and children for Reagan to grow in faith with. This is something extremely important to me, and I do want to keep looking for a physical church, but I have recently come across some wonderful online resources available no matter where you live! Even though you may not see these people in the physical sense, emotional community with like minded believers who will lift you up and love on you and pray with you is incredible and inspiring, and in my opinion very important for spiritual and emotional well being.
Pastor Andy Stanley lead a wonderful worship service this morning that was the final installment in the Brand: New series. I'll be completely honest, this was my first time doing church online, and I chose North Point by recommendation from a good friend. I was so impressed with the message this morning! It was all about leading your life in such a way that you love others the way Jesus loved us. All about love! Now that was the uplifting message I needed to hear. I highly suggest watching this series, which is all available on their website, linked above! They have live service broadcasted every Sunday at 8:00 and 11:00 am, but they do replay throughout the day and have links to watch at your own time as well.
The Influence Network is something I have heard of and followed on social media for a while, but I finally decided to join this week. It is a member community for women who want to interact with like-minded, faith-based ladies from all over. There are special features for bloggers and entrepreneurs, but even if you aren't either of those things, they have plenty of resources and fellowship for you too! Membership costs $10 per month, but the price of one of their classes is also $10, and membership includes one free class per month, so it really pays for itself! Members have access to the forums, small groups, case studies, book club, monthly download packs, and much more. Whether you want to lead, be led, participate from afar, or meet up in person, they most definitely have something uplifting waiting for you! I am so excited to have joined and I cannot wait to take my first class tomorrow and share some of the things I learn from them on the blog!
3. Thrive Moms
Thrive Moms is something I haven't really gotten involved with yet, but I am definitely following along an praying on it. They have Facebook groups for moms experiencing similar things in life, like single moms, military moms, working moms, etc. There are lots to choose from, and you can let them know if there is another group you would like to see added. They also have local groups you can join or start in your own community. There is no local group in my area, but I really love that they have online retreats in the Spring and Fall and the other online groups, so I'm thinking about joining. They seem so sweet and genuine and it looks like another great community to be a part of.
I have been getting the subscription box from this company for a few months now, and in three days their last subscription box will go on sale! March is their last month! But don't worry, they have more things in the works for all us mamas, and the boxes are only being phased out to make time for all the other great things they have planned. They have other products in their shop already (I'm in love with my Happy Mommy mug!) and you can also check out both Natalie's blog (The Busy Budgeting Mama) and Mandy's blog (The House of Rose) for more inspiration and encouragement.
So that's my little list of online places to find community and faith-based encouragement when you need it. And I sincerely hope that my blog makes it on to your own personal list! Have a happy Sunday!!
*the pictures are from their respective websites and are not affiliated with my blog or owned by me in any way :)
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