Sounds a little crazy, huh? No Black Friday shopping? Staying up late or going out early in search of the latest and greatest deals around?
Nope, not for this mama.
See, I'm still feeling warm and fuzzy over Thanksgiving and the start of the holiday season. I still feel like I have a whole lot to be thankful for, especially the non-material-possession type things.
Watching a bunch of crazed people pushing and shoving and being rude to one another over material stuff that isn't necessary would ruin that feeling for me.
And personally, I feel like it totally defeats the purpose of Thanksgiving for me. I spend weeks preparing my home and my heart and my daughter's heart for Thanksgiving. We talk about what is REALLY important. We talk about the difference between want and need. We talk about what we are so thankful for, what the Lord has blessed us with.
Going on a major shopping trip and being surrounded by stuff, and people on a mad search for stuff, takes away from that for me. I do shop online from now until Cyber Monday. I'm not against the whole idea of finishing my Christmas shopping and saving money! It's just the encouragement to "buy buy buy" and come in ON THANKSGIVING to beat other people to the things your kids NEED.
Let's be real here, my little girl does not NEED any of this. And it doesn't matter what I get her, I know she will be happy and thankful and so excited because it's Christmas and Santa came, and Baby Jesus was born on this day. The things I'm shopping for are a matter of want, and while I want to get things I know Reagan will love, if I don't find it or it sells out on line because I was too busy cuddling with her and being lazy in our post-Thanksgiving haze, well that's fine and it won't make or break our Christmas.
The act of giving and receiving in His name is what makes Christmas. The fact that our Saviour was born on this day makes Christmas. It's the real reason for the holiday and the experience of Christmastime that means so much.
So if you see some people acting out over Black Friday or find yourself caught in a shopping frenzy, just remember the real reason for the season ;)